
The L2 motivational self system profile of Greek adolescents (pp. 268-283), Zoe Kantaridou & Eleanna Xekalou


The L2 motivational self system profile of Greek adolescents
Zoe Kantaridou & Eleanna Xekalou


The L2 motivational self system (L2MSS) theory (Dörnyei, 2005) has been the dominant theory in L2 motivation research for over a decade now, yet it has been scarcely investigated in the Greek education context. The present study explores the ideal L2 self, the ought-to L2 self, instrumentality promotion and instrumentality prevention aspects of Greek junior high school students (N=598) in relation to demographic variables such as gender, school grade, self-reported competence, extra language classes and parental educational level. The results indicated the following order of frequencies in the motivational variables in descending order: instrumentality promotion, ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and instrumentality prevention. The anova results indicated that females and students who have higher perceived level of competence, attend extra language classes and whose parents’ are more educated demonstrate statistically significantly higher scores in ideal l2 self and instrumentality promotion. The results are discussed in relation motivation enhancement teaching interventions. (151 words)


Key words: L2MSS, ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, instrumentality, gender, parental educational level, extra language classes.